Abstract Submission
Dear participants,
The presentation language can be either Turkish or English.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is February 16th, 2024.
Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by at least two reviewers; in cases where one reviewer provides a positive evaluation and the other a negative one, a third reviewer will be invited. Authors may receive feedback for corrections based on the evaluation results.
To have abstracts included in the conference booklet, the registration form must be completed, and the abstract must be presented at the conference.
Abstracts should adhere to the following rules:
- The abstracts should be between 400 words.
- Author names, surnames, institutional information, and presenter details should be specified.
- The abstract should consist of Introduction, Aim, Method, Results, and Conclusion sections.
- The names of all authors (including the corresponding author) should be listed in order. It is not mandatory for the corresponding author's name to be listed first.
- Presentations should be planned for a duration of 7 minutes.
Oral presentations given at the conference, with the consent of the authors, will be published as full-text in the European Annals of Dental Sciences (EADS) special issue of Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry.
For oral presentations to be published as full-text in EADS, they must be prepared in accordance with journal rules and include documentation of ethical approvals if applicable. The compliance of all oral presentations to be published as full-text with EADS criteria will be evaluated by EADS reviewers. After being presented at the conference, full-text oral presentations can be upload to EADS Journal page by selecting the full text option.
Full-text presentations should be written in MS Word (docx) format, A4 size (21 cm x 29.7 cm), vertical, with margins of 2.5 cm.
The text of the presentation should be in English, using 12-point Times New Roman font and double spacing.
1. Title Page: After writing the presentation title (in Turkish and English), the names and surnames of the authors, their titles, institutions, addresses, and Orcid numbers should be written under the title according to the order of presentation.
2. Abstract Page: The abstract should be written in Turkish (Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion, Keywords) and English (Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion, Keywords) according to the abstract text format. At least 3 and at most 5 keywords should be added. The word limit for abstracts is 300.
3. The main text should be written in English. It should include Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Legends, with a word count of at least 1500 and at most 2500 words, excluding the abstract. The presentation should have a maximum of 2 tables or figures and a maximum of 10 references. Tables and figures should be sequentially numbered in the text.
4. Primary section headings should be in capital letters and bold, while secondary and other subheadings should be in title case and bold.
5. References should be indicated with superscript numbers in the order of use in the main text. For sources with six or fewer authors, all authors are written; for sources with seven or more authors, only the first three authors' names are written, and the others are indicated as "et al." for English publications or "ve ark" for Turkish publications. Index Medicus abbreviations should be used for journal names. Articles under review cannot be used as references.
Examples for citation:
Journal article:
Baltacioglu IH and Orhan K: Volumetric comparison of diagnostic methods for early interproximal caries detection with near-infrared light transillumination: an in vivo study. BMC Oral Health 2017;17:1-7.
Demirel G, Baltacioglu IH, Kolsuz ME et al: Volumetric cuspal deflection of premolars restored with different paste-like bulk-fill resin composites evaluated by microcomputed tomography. Oper Dent 2020;45:143-150.
Anusavice KJ, Shen C, Rawls HR (eds): Phillips’ Science of Dental Materials (ed 12). Philadelphia, Saunders, 2013.
Book chapter:
Phoenix RD: Denture base resins: Technical considerations and processing techniques, in Anusavice KJ (ed): Phillips’ Science of Dental Materials, vol 1 (ed 10). Philadelphia, Saunders, 1996, pp 237-271.
Website: [Provide details for website citation]
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